
Jadel Electronics


Picture Gallery
This picture gallery will only make sense to those who know the people and places involved.

To see a higher resolution image of any of the thumbnail pictures, simply double-clock on the image to the left of the description.

Graduation Photo
My daughter speaks at the podium of the graduation. She addresses the graduating class, parents and friends, and some fellow classmates.

David and Joe

David conspires with Joe

After the graduation ceremonies, David starts talking to Senator Joe Scarborough. He was a Republican, and as such used to be admired by all.

Mobile House

This is the new house in Mobile.

This house was occupied by my daughter and her husband located in the hysterical area of Mobile, Alabama. This building has a plaque on the front identifying it as a historic building in the community.

Before Picture

This is the BEFORE picture.

This is the starting point for my Son's 1978 Ford Van. It has approximately 250,000 miles on it, but it still runs strong with a 460 cubic inch engine. The main problems are all related to rust. There is rust-through in several different areas.

Three Grads

The Three Grads (with teacher).

These are the three graduates from the last-year residency program in Pensacola, Florida. The picture was taken during a reception which occurred the night of the graduation.

After Picture

The AFTER Picture.

This is the final result for my son's Van. It looks more modern, has a completely different shape, and still runs strong. Note that all of the rust has been removed.

Note: These pictures were all taken with an OLYMPUS C-3030 digital camera.